Urban Vovk

Urban Vovk, born in 1971 in Kranj, studied Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana. He works as a freelance writer, editor, literary critic, and translator. For his first book, a collection of essays called V teku časa [In the Run of Time] he received the Stritar Prize in 2002, which is awarded by the Slovenian Writers’ Association. Another collection of essays followed, as well as the monograph Res neznosna resnobnost!? [Truly Unbearable Seriousness!?], which he dedicated to his favourite author, the Nobel Prize laureate J. M. Coetzee. At the end of 2015 his first short-story collection was published under the title Garaže [Garages]. Apart from his work as a writer, literary critic, and editor for LUD Literatura, Urban Vovk also translates literary works by authors from the former Yugoslavia as well as from English-speaking countries.