Daniela Ştefănescu

Daniela Ştefănescu, born in Bucharest in 1952, attended the German School in Bucharest and later on studied German and English at Bucharest University. At first, she worked as a German teacher, from 1988 onward as an editor and publisher for Creangă, Kriterion, Humanitas and Trei. Since 1997, she is a member of the Romanian Writers’ Association. She translates from the German, English and French. Her translations include publications by Friedrich Wolf, E. von Däniken, Patrick Süskind, S. Freud, C.G. Jung, M. Cazenave, Arthur Schnitzler, C. Leviant, Viktor E. Frankl, Brüder Grimm and Christoph Ransmayr. She participates in international conferences and symposia and has published numerous articles, studies and essays in various magazines. As a writer she has authored a string of children’s books and novels. In 2001, Daniela Ştefănescu was nominated for the „Premiul de excelenţă redacţională“ at Bookarest Book Fair.