Franz Kafka, Vepra e plotë në prozën e shkurtër

The Albanian translator and author Ardian Klosi has dedicated himself to the short prose work of Franz Kafka for many years. He has now released a volume comprising all of the short stories, sketches and novellas of the Prague author, whether printed during his lifetime or posthumously. All fragments and story variations are arranged chronologically by the date of their creation. They are based on editions published by S. Fischer publishing company: Franz Kafka. Kritische Ausgaben der Schriften, Tagebücherund Briefe” [Franz Kafka, Critical Editions of the Writings, Journals, and Letters] (1982ff) and Franz Kafka, Die Erzählungen. Originalfassung [Franz Kafka, the Short Stories. Original version.] (1996). Only parts of this prose work, published in various smaller collections and often translated from a third language, have been available in Albania until now.