Florence Courriol-Seita

Florence Courriol-Seita has been passionate about literature and modern languages from a very early age. She specialised in Italian literature and Translation Studies, and obtained a PhD from the Université de Bourgogne on multilingualism in Italian contemporary literature. She currently teaches Italian language and literature at university in France. She has taught French at Università La Sapienza, Rome, where she has also worked for the Institut Français Italia. In parallel, she is a literary translator (novels, poetry, movie scripts), translating from Italian into French and Romanian. She notably attended the vocational training programme “la Fabrique Européenne des Traducteurs” in 2014. She collaborates with several literary festivals and is a contributor to the French national newspaper Le Monde des livres.
Among the authors she has translated are Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Anna Felder, Lisa Ginzburg, Francesco Guicciardini, Ruska Jorjoliani, Giorgio Orelli, Fabio Pusterla and Tiziano Scarpa. Her latest translations are: La disdetta by Anna Felder into Romanian, co-translated with Florica Ciodaru-Courriol, and into French.