Copilăria lui Kaspar Hauser

Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu

Publisher: Polirom


A bildungsroman, nay, a deformation novel: 12 stories told by the same narrator; all variations resemble the truth yet are also far-removed from truthfully capturing Kaspar Hauser’s childhood. The novel newly interprets the literary motif of children raised by wolves. The core of the story centres on the exploration of memory, which feeds on melancholy.

Translations supported by Traduki

  • Djetinjstvo Kaspara Hausera

    Year:  2020
    Publisher:  Faktura
    Country:  Croatia
    Language:  Croatian
  • Детството на Каспар Хаузер

    Year:  2020
    Publisher:  Antolog Books
    Translator:  Ermis Lafazanovski
    Country:  North Macedonia
    Language:  Macedonian