Bestattung eines Hundes
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch

Thomas Pletzinger’s wonderful debut novel paints a picture of a generation torn between love, an urge for freedom, and responsibility. There’s the ethnologist going through a crisis, the children’s book author with a bestseller and a ruin at Lake Lugano on his hands, the Finnish doctor, a small boy without a father, a mysterious friend, a dying dog, and a hidden manuscript: from it all Thomas Pletzinger weaves a suspenseful yet wildly funny and touching story. Bestattung eines Hundes (Funeral for a Dog) talks about of the thirtysomethings of today, who have been to many places in the world, without ever feeling anywhere at home, who have tried many things, without ever finding their true vocation, who have made big plans and now have to scour for small solutions. The old tale about the longing for happiness and love, Thomas Pletzinger finds a new way to tell it, with an eye for detail, linguistic subtlety, and atmosphere rich prose.