Norbert Gstrein

Norbert Gstrein, born in 1961 in Mils in the Tirol, studied Mathematics and Philosophy of Language in Innsbruck, Stanford and Erlangen. He now lives in Hamburg. In 1988 he published the short story Einer[One], followed by: Anderntags [Other Days](Short story, 1989), Das Register [The Register] (Novel, 1992), O2 (Novella, 1993), Der Kommerzialrat [The Distinguished Businessman] (Report, 1995), Die englischen Jahre [The English Years] (Novel, 1999), Selbstporträt mit einer Toten [Self-portrait with a Dead Person (Short story, 2000), Was war und was ist [What Was and What Is] (Two speeches, jointly with Jorge Semprun, 2001), Das Handwerk des Tötens [The Trade of Killing] (Novel, 2003), Wem gehört eine Geschichte [Who does History Belong To] (Essay, 2004), Die Winter im Süden [Winters in the South] (Novel, 2008) and Die ganze Wahrheit [The Whole Truth] (Novel, 2010). Awards: Berlin Literary Prize, Alfred Döblin Prize, Literary Prize of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Uwe Johnson Prize, and others.