Naser Šečerović

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Naser Šečerović was born in 1981 in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina. He studied German in Sarajevo and has worked as an assistant in German literature at the German studies department of the philosophical faculty in Sarajevo since 2007. In addition to translating, he is also the author of several academic texts on Austrian, German, and Bosnian literature. His most important translations include Svijet o kojem pišem (18 austrijskih autora), Connectum, Sarajevo 2007; Joseph P. Strelka, Komparativna kritika književnosti, Naklada Juričić, Zagreb 2008; Barbara Frischmuth, Iščezavanje sjenke na suncu, Connectum, Sarajevo 2009 (supported by TRADUKI).