Katica Garoska Acevska

Katica Garoska Acevska, born in 1947 in Skopje, studied English and French in Skopje. She works in the Macedonian Ministry of Culture, in the Office for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. She received the prize of the Macedonian Association of Literary Translators, “Zlatno pero” for her translation work. Katica Garoska Acevska has been a resident grant holder in translation centres in England, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the USA and has translated the works of the following authors: Roald Dahl, J. D. Salinger, Arundhati Roy, Kenneth White, Gao Xingjian, Robert Graves, Philip Roth, D.H.Lawrence, Yukio Mishima, Marguerithe Yourcenar, Virginia Woolf, John Steinbeck, Henric Pontoppidan, Scott Fitzgerald, Fadila Nura Haver, Filip David, Mirko Kovač, Charles Dickens.