Georg Aescht

Georg Aescht was born in 1953 in Zeiden, Romania, studied German and English languages and literatures at the University of Cluj-Napoca and was a teacher at the local German secondary school. He wrote literary critiques for German-language publications, translated Romanian literature to German and helped preparing secondary school textbooks on German literature. In 1984, he moved with his wife in daughter to West Germany. He had worked for seven years as a proofreader in a case room before he took up the post of an editor at the Foundation East German Culture Council in Bonn where he currently edits the publication “Kulturpolitische Korrespondenz”. Besides writing for news and cultural magazines Georg Aescht also translated many books from Romanian and French to German, among others works by Ion Agarbiceanu, Carmen Francesca Banciu, Filip Florian, Norman Manea, Gellu Naum, Alexandru Papilian, Andrei Plesu, Mihail Sebastian und Alexandru Vona.