Andrea Grill
Andrea Grill was born in Bad Ischl (Austria) and studied in Salzburg, among other places. She obtained her doctorate from Amsterdam University, where she specialised in the evolution of endemic butterflies in Sardinia. Having resided in Tirana, Cagliari (Sardinia), Neuchatel and Bologna, she now lives in Vienna. Andrea Grill publishes poems, stories and novels, including Das Schöne und das Notwendige (Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg) and translates from Albanian and Dutch. Her translation of the novel Milchkuss by Mimoza Ahmeti appeared in 2009, her translation of the poetry collection Kinder der Natur by Luljeta Lleshanaku in 2010, and Der Schlaf des Oktopus by Ervina Halili in 2016. Her latest publication as a translator was Luljeta Lleshanaku’s poetry collection Die Stadt der Äpfel, published by Carl Hanser Verlag in 2021. Her novel Cherubino was nominated for the German Book Prize in 2019. In 2021 she received the prestigious Anton Wildgans Prize.