Mimoza Ahmeti

Born in 1963 as the daughter of a teacher in the North Albanian city Krujë. Even in the years before the collapse of the Communist system, she published poems, which often went beyond the limitations set by the artistic doctrines of Socialist realism.
Her radicalism in the artistic domain, unusual for Albania, continued even after the change. Passionately, sometimes enraged, but always competent, she grappled with the traumas, taboos, and complexes of Albanian society. She works not only as an author, but also in different genres; as painter and singer, where she achieved a high level of popularity by performing songs written by herself. Through her unconventional manner and her lifestyle, deemed extravagant in the traditional (and patriarchal) society of Albania, and especially her matter-of-fact demand for individual women’s‘rights, she was continually subject to objections, which didn’t leave her untouched. She converted a deep emotional and artistic crisis into the novel „Gruaja halucinante“ (The Hallucinating Woman).
Mimoza Ahmeti published a succession of poetry anthologies, finally „Delirium“ and „Pjalmimi i luleve“ (Pollen), as well as short prose and an additional novel „Arkitrau“ (Architrave). Mimoza Ahmeti lives with her husband and two daughters.