Tijelo njenog tijela

Slavenka Drakulić

Publisher: Europapress


In this book the author has recorded her thoughts about living organ donation, after having another kidney transplant in the USA in 2004. The remarkable fact being that the kidney came from a voluntary donor who is still alive. “I wanted to understand my donor. I had to ask her why she had decided to donate a kidney to a complete stranger. I promised myself that. The second question, however, which I had to answer myself, was: how do I deal with a stranger, who has given me a new life?”

Translations supported by Traduki

  • Телото на нејзиното тело

    Year:  2011
    Publisher:  Skenpoint, Skopje
    Translator:  Nikola Madžirov
    Country:  North Macedonia
    Language:  Macedonian
    View Excerpt