Me’med, crvena bandana i pahuljica

Semezdin Mehmedinović

Publisher: Fraktura

Bosnia and Herzegovina

A heart attack comes unexpectedly, without notice or explanation. It changes a person. Especially, if one has a heart attack at the age of fifty, when one is already seguing from one phase of life into another. The writer Semezdin Mehmedinović survived his heart attack: and so, he set forth to reinterpret biographical facts and life lines, given his unique, unmistakable prose a new form in the process.

Translations supported by Traduki

  • Мехмед, червената бандана и снежинката

    Year:  2024
    Publisher:  Janet 45
    Translator:  Rusanka Lyapova
    Country:  Bulgaria
    Language:  Bulgarian
  • Me’med, bandana roșie și fulgul de zăpadă

    Year:  2022
    Publisher:  Black Button Books
    Translator:  Octavia Nedelcu
    Country:  Romania
    Language:  Romanian
  • Meʼmed, rdeča ruta in snežinka

    Year:  2019
    Publisher:  Litera
    Translator:  Jurij Hudolin
    Country:  Slovenia
    Language:  Slovene
    View Excerpt