Generation Putin: Das neue Russland verstehen
Publisher: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt

When they came into the world, the Soviet Union was already history. Lena from Smolensk, for example, who adores Putin and dreams of a career in politics. Vera, a journalist critical of the Kremlin, who longs for more democracy. Alexander, who sits in a wheelchair and hopes to be able to lead an independent life one day. What they all have in common is that they belong to the “Putin generation”, that they are children of the current system. This generation, born after 1991, grew up in politically and economically turbulent times. Many young Russians today are torn between East and West, the longing for a strong leader and the dream of a different, freer life. Their stories reflect Russia’s dramatic development over the last 25 years, from the end of being the Soviet world power to its resurgence under Vladimir Putin.