Консорциум Alternus

Léa Cohen

Publisher: Riva


Bulgaria 1941: Thanks to an ingenuous plan Jules Calderon, an industrialist and Jew, succeeded in saving his company empire from compulsory purchase, agreed by pact with Hitler, by the state. With his son, his company officer and his lawyer he made it over to an anonymous international consortium called “Alternus”. He then commits suicide. However, neither the fascists nor later the communists are able to touch his fortune. Half a century later the Bulgarian secret service believe that they are at last tracking down the billions.  Léa Cohen has written an enthralling political thriller about an almost unbelievable, but authentic attempt at compulsory purchase.

Translations supported by Traduki

  • Das Calderon Imperium

    Year:  2010
    Publisher:  Paul Zsolnay Verlag
    Translator:  Thomas Frahm
    Country:  Austria
    Language:  Deutsch
    View Excerpt