Vanda Kušpilić
Vanda Kušpilić, born in Zagreb in 1983, studied German and French language and literature at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Zagreb. She has been working as a freelance translator since 2007. In 2016, she worked as project coordinator of “Translab – Laboratory for Literary Translation from German into Croatian” at the Goethe-Institut Zagreb. Since 2017, she has been translating contemporary poetry for the European Poetry Platform Versopolis and for the Zagreb Festival “Goran’s Spring”. From June 2018 to September 2019, she worked as the office manager of the Croatian Literary Translators Association. Her translations include works by Julia Kristeva, Antoine Compagnon, Pierre-André Taguieff, Tom Schulz, Geneviève D’Hoop, Stéphane Korvin, Olga Grjasnowa and several graphic novels. She has been living in Berlin since October 2019.