Tanja Petrič

Tanja Petrič was born in 1981 in Maribor. She works as a translator, literary critic, literary researcher, and editor. After studying Comparative Literature and German Philology in Ljubljana she is now doing a PhD in German Philology at the University of Vienna. Petrič publishes literary reviews, critiques, and literary studies related articles in Slovene and international literary magazines and anthologies as well as in the feature pages of Slovene daily newspapers. She has translated the works of Michiko Flašar, Durs Grünbein, Felicitas Hoppe, Sarah Kirsch, Friederike Mayröcker, Robert Menasse, Herta Müller and many others from German into Slovene. In 2011 she was the recipient of the ‘Lirikonov zlat’ Prize for the best translation of poetry at the poetry festival ‘Lirikonfest’. She has received several grants for studying abroad and further her education – a DAAD semester grant at the Humboldt University in Berlin, a translation grant from the Goethe-Institut Dresden-Hellerau, and a Schritte-Stipendium of the Literary Colloquium Berlin. Since 2010 she is a member of the Slovene Association of Literary Tranlators and the Slovene Association of Literary Critics.