Sdravka Evstatieva

Sdravka Evstatieva, born in 1962, studied German at the University of Sofia (focal point: translation and interpreting). From 1995 to 2000 she taught at German grammar schools and worked as a freelance Associate Professor in German and Translation at Sofioter University and at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia. Since 2000 she has been a freelance translator and private lecturer for German and Translation. Sdravka Evstatieva has translated numerous books from German into Bulgarian. Her translations include works by Jan Costin Wagner, Dagmar Geisler, Beate Dölling, Silvio Blatter, Zoë Jenny, Helmut W. Pesch and Horst von Allwörden, Wolfgang Hohlbein, Wilhelm Ritter von Schramm, Dr. Walter Koch and Carolina Hehenkamp. In 2009 she received the ‘Schritte’ grant of the S. Fischer Foundation.