Rossitsa Tacheva

Rossitsa Tacheva was born in 1946 in Sofia. She visited an English language secondary school and studied French philology in Sofia. She has translated over 50 books by Balzac, Maupassant, Flaubert, Céline, Albert Cohen, San Antonio, Jean Jeunet, Kundera, Cioran etc.
She has written three books: За дипломатите и хората (About Diplomats and Men, 1998), Домашен апокалипсис (Domestic Apocalypse, 2000), Колкото до шотландеца (So much for Scottie, 2010). The Bulgarian Translators’ Association honoured her work as a translator with many prizes: for Flaubert’s Bouvard et Pecuchet in 1985, for Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s Voyage au bout de la nuit in 1996, for Ciorans Cahiers in 2006, and for Simone de Beauvoirs Les Mandarins in 2013. She received the Helikon Prize in 2010 for So much for Scottie.