Nicolas Born


Nicolas Born, was born in Duisburg in 1937 under the name Klaus-Jürgen Born. Born published his first novel in 1965, titled Der Zweite Tag. 1967 saw the publication of his first poetry collection Marktlage. Born took part in the International Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa. His second poetry collection, Wo mir der Kopf steht, soon followed. After its publication he returned from the US. His most widely known poetry collection, Das Auge des Entdeckers, was published in 1972. Born’s most popular novel, Die Fälschung, was published shortly before his death in 1979. It was turned into a film by Volker Schlöndorff in 1981.


  • Gedichte

    Author:  Nicolas Born
    Genre:  Poetry
    Year:  2004
    Publisher:  Wallstein
    Country:  Germany
    Language:  German