Nadežda Čačinovič

Nadežda Čačinovič, born in 1947 in Budapest, is Professor at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Zagreb, Chair of Aesthetics. She attended school in Berne, Zürich, Belgrade, Murska Sobota and Ljubljana and studied in Ljubljana, Bonn and Frankfurt. As a translator she has mainly translated philosophical works into Croatian, including Adorno/Horkheimer (Dialektik der Aufklärung),[Dialectic of Enlightenment] Th.W.Adorno (Negative Dialektik, [Negative Dialectic]with Z.Puhovski), G.W.F Hegel (Das System der Sittlichkeit, [The System of Morality],with Z.Puhovski), John Stuart Mill (On the Subjection of Women), Hannah Arendt (Über das Böse) [About Evil] Peter Sloterdijk (Zorn und Zeit) [Anger and Time] and Herfried Münkler (Imperien. Die Logik der Weltherrschaft – vom alten Rom bis zu den Vereinigten Staaten) [Empires. The Logic of World Domination – from Ancient Rome to the United States].