Mojca Kranjc

Mojca Kranjc was born in 1958 in Ljubljana where she studied comparative literature and dramaturgy. She works as a dramaturge in the Slovenian National Theatre in Ljubljana and as a translator. She translated, among others, works by Schiller, Lessing, J. M. R. Lenz, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Büchner, Wedekind, Schnitzler, R. Walser, v. Horváth, Canetti, Adorno, Brecht, Dürrenmatt, Melchinger, Bernhard, Tabori, Enzensberger, Oz, Jelinek, Handke, H. Müller, Trojanow, Capus, Schulze, Schimmelpfennig, Syha, and Zeller. As a translator, she received four prizes awarded by the Austrian Ministry of education and cultural affairs, and as a dramaturge, she received the Grün-Filipič Prize.