Marie Alpermann

Marie Alpermann, born in Leipzig in 1988, studied Slavic studies and literature in Halle (Saale). She spent semesters abroad in Sarajevo and Novi Sad and lived for a year each in Kyiv and Ljubljana. Since 2019, she has worked full-time as a literary translator from Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. She has translated works by Lejla Kalamujić, Dragoslava Barzut, Senka Marić, Jelena Lengold, Jasminka Petrović and Biljana Jovanović into German, among others. For her work, she received grants from the German Translator’s Fund, the Saxony-Anhalt Art Foundation and a Perewest scholarship from the Freundeskreis Literaturübersetzer. Alpermann participated in several thematic and international workshops. In 2023, she spent six weeks in Belgrade with the support of TRADUKI. She is a member of the Association of German-Speaking Translators and lives in Halle (Saale).