Ljiljana Glišović

Ljiljana Glišović, born in 1952 in Zagreb, studied German Language and Literature at the Philological Faculty in Belgrade and at the Department of German at the Humboldt University in Berlin. She is concerned with the reporting of German media. In 2010 she obtained her Ph.D. on the topic of “Language, Media and Politics: the treatment of Serbia in the German press before and after the Change of government in October 2000”. She has also been a German Associate Professor at the Faculty for Political Science, Belgrade University since 1994. She has translated from the German: Risikogesellschaft: Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne (title of the English translation: Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity) (Ulrich Beck), Auf meinen Spuren. Das Entdecken der eigenen Lebensgeschichte [On my Tracks. The Discovery of my own life story] (Herbert Gudjons, Marianne Pieper and Birgit Wagener), Kleine deutsche Geschichte [Small German History] (Dirlmeier, Ulf and others, with Olja Durbaba, Jelena Tanasković, Časlav Koprivica, Života Ivanović and Zoran Jovanović), Weltrisikogesellschaft. Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Sicherheit (title of the English translation: World Risk Society. Searching for Lost Security) (Ulrich Beck) and Mein guter Vater [My Good Father] (Beate Niemann).