Katerina Poladjan

Katerina Poladjan was born in Moscow, grew up in Rome and Vienna and lives in Germany. She writes theatre plays and essays; her prose debut In einer Nacht, woanders was followed by Vielleicht Marseille. Together with Henning Fritsch she wrote the literary travelogue Hinter Sibirien. She was nominated for the Alfred Döblin Prize as well as for the EU Prize for Literature and took part in the Days of German-Language Literature in Klagenfurt in 2015. For Hier sind Löwen she received scholarships from the German Literature Fund, the Berlin Senate and the Tarabya Cultural Academy in Istanbul. In 2021, she was awarded the Nelly Sachs Prize by the city of Dortmund. Her latest novel Zukunftsmusik is nominated for the prize of the Leipzig Book Fair 2022.