Enver Robelli

Enver Robelli was born in 1973 in Kosovo and grew up at the Zurich Lake. He attended the Swiss School of Journalism and did an internship at the Zurich daily Tages Anzeiger, for which he works since 2001. From 2007 till 2012 he was the Southeast Europe correspondent for Süddeutsche Zeitung and Tages Anzeiger in Zagreb. Since 2012, he has been part of the foreign policy department of the Tages Anzeiger and responsible for covering Southeast Europe. Since the nineties Enver Robelli has been working as a regular columnist for the independent Kosovo daily Koha Ditore. He has also translated literary and journalistic publications from German, for example Oliver-Jens Schmitt’s Kosovo: Kurze Geschichte einer zentralbalkanischen Landschaft [Kosovo: A Brief History of a Centro-Balkan Land] and Stefan Kornelius’ Angela Merkel. Die Kanzlerin und ihre Welt [Angela Merkel. The Chancellor and Her World].