Dalibor Davidović

Dalibor Davidović was born in 1972 in Našice. He studied Music at Zagreb University, received a DAAD grant, and gained his doctor title in the same subject at Hamburg University. He now works as lecturer at the Music Academy of Zagreb.
Dalibor Davidović is the author and editor of several research works on music, and translates from German to Croatian. So far, he has translated: Visconti: Insights into Flesh and Blood [Einsichten in Fleisch und Blut] by Alexander García Düttmann, Tragic Play: Irony and Theater from Sophocles to Beckett [Die Gegenwart der Tragödie: Versuch über Urteil und Spiel] by Christoph Menke and Occidental Eschatology [Abendländische Eschatologie] by Jacob Taubes.