Aida Cama

Aida Cama was born in 1968 in Tirana. She finished her study of metallurgy in 1991 in Tirana. In 1997, she started a long-term training program for business management at the Carl Duisberg Society in Cologne. From 2000 to 2002, she studied Advanced Journalism Studies at the Danube University of Krems and concluded the study with the Master’s Degree. She participated in the postgraduate course Media transformation in Western Europe in Frankfurt/Oder. Aida Cama worked for the Albanian press agency ATA, Deutsche Welle in Tirana, and for the ORF. From 2002 to 2005, she was a freelance translator living in Berlin. From 2005 to 2013, she was an editor in the Albanian desk at the Deutsche Welle. She translated several films, the theatre play Mauerkinder and the book Arme Roma, böse Zigeuner from German to Albanian.