Ivana Stojić was born in 1984 in Sarajevo. After completion of her school education, which she partly spent in Vienna, she studied Comparative Literature at the University of Sarajevo. She…
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Ivana Stojić was born in 1984 in Sarajevo. After completion of her school education, which she partly spent in Vienna, she studied Comparative Literature at the University of Sarajevo. She…
Gligor Stojskovski, born in 1952, studied South Slavic Literature and worked between 1976 and 2001 as a journalist for the newspapers Nova Makedonija and Utrinski Vesnik. From 2001 till 2009…
Tina Štrancar was born in 1985 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She studied German language and literature there and in Bremen, followed by a doctoral study in Literary Studies in Ljubljana and…
Đurđa Strsoglavec, born in 1967 in Pregrada, Slovenia, studied at the University of Ljubljana, where she was awarded a doctorate and now teaches Croatian and Serbian literature and translation at…
Namita Subiotto, born in 1972 in Postojna (Slovenia), studied Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian Language and Literature and Comparative Linguistics of Slavic Languages in Ljubljana. She obtained her Ph.D. in Macedonian…
Bisera Suljić-Boškailo, born in 1965 in Tutin (Serbia), is a Bosnian-Herzogovinian writer. She has published the novels Goli Otok‚ La Perla ‚ Pešter, Bilija, the poetry volumes Vilino Kolo, Vilino…
Flaka Surroi, born in 1963 in Prishtina, studied at the Faculty of Law at the University of Prishtina. She is the owner and manager of the largest Kosovan media company,…
Peter Svetina, born 1970 in Ljubljana, studied Slovene and Slavic Studies in Ljubljana and Prague. Since 2003, he has been lecturer in Slovene and South Slavic Literature at the University…
Rossitsa Tacheva was born in 1946 in Sofia. She visited an English language secondary school and studied French philology in Sofia. She has translated over 50 books by Balzac, Maupassant,…
Irina Talevska studied at Blaze Koneski Faculty of Philology in Skopje. She translates fiction and non-fiction from Italian and Spanish into Macedonian. So far she has translated works of Anna…
Meral Tarar-Tutuš was born in 1966 in Ludwigsburg. She visited school in Germany but returned to Serbia to study German language and literature in Belgrade. She has been working as…
Ekaterina Tarpomanova was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, and graduated Balkan Studies at the University of Sofia where she learned the languages of the Balkan Linguistic Union – Albanian, Greek, and…