Sanda Munteanu
Sanda Munteanu studied German Language and Literature in Bucharest and Cluj. In 1977 she obtained her Ph.D. with a dissertation about time structure in Conrad Ferdinand Meyer’s historical novellas. From 1955 to 1988 he was firstly Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor for the Chair of German Language and Literature at the University of Bucharest. After her retirement she devoted herself to literary translation. She has translated works by Conrad Fiedler (Schriften über Kunst)[Writings on Art], Klaus Umbach (Celibidache, der andere Maestro) [Celibidache, the other Maestro], Erich Maria Remarque (Die Traumbude; Gam; Das gelobte Land) [The Dream Booth; Gam; The Praised Land], Heinrich Harrer (Sieben Jahre in Tibet) (title of the English translation: Seven Years in Tibet), Stefan Andres (Wir sind Utopia) [We are Utopia], Brigitte Hamann (Elisabeth: Kaiserin wider Willen; Hitlers Wien; Winifred Wagner oder Hitlers Bayreuth) [Elisabeth: The Reluctant Empress; Hitler’s Vienna; Winifred Wagner or Hitler’s Bayreuth], Traudl Junge (Bis zur letzten Stunde) [Until the Last Hour], Inge und Walter Jens (Frau Thomas Mann) [Mrs Thomas Mann], Yrsa Sigurdardottir (Das letzte Ritual) [The Last Ritual], Pascal Mercier (Der Nachtzug nach Lissabon; Der Klavierstimmer; Perlmanns Schweigen) (titles of the English translations: Night Train to Lisbon; The Piano Tuner; Perlmann’s Silence) and Kathrin Lange (Die verbrannte Handschrift) [The Burnt Script].