Corneliu Papadopol


Corneliu Papadopol, born in 1933 in Sfântu Gheorghe, studied at the Archducal Catholic Saint Andreas Boarding School and at the Institute of Architecture in Bucharest. He has translated many works from German into Romanian, including Thomas Mann (Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull; Der Erwählte; Die Betrogene; Das Gesetz, Die vertauschten Köpfe) (titles of the English transations: Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man; The Holy Sinner; The Black Swan; The tables of the Law, The Transposed Heads), Arthur Schnitzler (Der Weg ins Freie) (title of the English translation: The Road to the Open), August Strindberg (Die Gotischen Zimmer) (title of the English translation: The Gothic Rooms), Björnstjerne Björnson (Thomas Rendalen) [Thomas Rendalen], Rudolf Stratz (Der weiße Tod) [White Death], Klaus Mann (Symphonie Pathétique) [Pathetic Symphony], Rainer Maria Rilke (Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge) (title of the English translation: The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge), Hermann Broch (Die Verzauberung) (title of the English translation: The Spell) and Günter Grass (Der Butt) (title of the English translation: The Flounder).
