Anna Felder


Anna Felder, born in Lugano in 1937, studied literature in Zürich and Paris. After completing her studies she worked as an Italian teacher in Aarau, where she still lives today. For her writing she received several accolades, including the Schiller Prize in 1998, the Aargauer Culture Award in 2004, and the Grand Prix for Literature in 2018. Her publications include Circolare (2018, Italian original 2017), No grazie (2002, Italian Original 1999) and Umzug durch die Katzentür/La Disdetta (1975, Italian original 1974).


  • La Disdetta

    Author:  Anna Felder
    Genre:  Fiction
    Year:  1974
    Publisher:  Einaudi
    Country:  Switzerland
    Language:  Italian