Kod Alberta
Publisher: Ljevak, Zagreb

In Velibor Colic’s writing you can find his Bosnian roots, but also French cosmopolitanism. Alberto’s bar at Poe station, in the fictional city Narseille, somewhere between Sarajevo, Dubrovnik and Marseille, is the place where losers and the generous homeless meet. The war and death are from the beginning announced as something that will occur later, a catastrophe that marks the fate of “The children from Bahnhof Poe” in a brutal and tragic way. They all hang around in the bar, where they listen to jazz and rock, quote Majakowski, Baudlaire and Bukowski, in a neighbourhood of strangers, lonesome people and loonies, a grotesque company of alcoholics, junkies, sick persons, impostors and whores of all races and nations. Sometimes they sound like Tom Waits, and occasionally they strip to “White Rabbit”, their fates are often bizarre, to the limit of the fantastic, but their “Zone of dusk” is their last asylum for all the things that war brought to this city.