Für Fortgeschrittene

One morning, a man stumbles upon an announcement, in which someone offers his services as an executioner. The man is curious, and after all, fifty US Dollars are not much for an unparalleled experience – even if it is a matter of life and death. For Viktorija, on the other hand, the price for love is her head: What begins as an email romance ends with a box in a refrigerator… Speaking of which: what does one do in Bulgaria if the refrigerator is empty? Not a big problem, as long as Grandpa is still around… Many things are different in Bulgaria, but certainly not everything is wrong. That is what this story is about, which Alek Popov tells so wonderfully with his dark, clever humour.
From Митология на прехода (Mitologiya na prehoda) and Пълен курс за напреднали (Pălen kurs za naprednali).