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Publisher: Tabernakul

This Macedonian mega bestseller was not only awarded several national and international prizes, it has also been published in twelve editions in Macedonia only and has been translated to several languages. The novel is a mystification on several levels: the book consists of an introduction, supposedly written by a brother of a certain V., a late circus performer. In his estate, the brother – a pedantic clerk – finds a manuscript of a novel and diary entries and he is thinking about publishing them. Following this introduction are a novel “The Navel of the World”, another novel “Impact”, and diaries entitled “Light”. The book concludes with an afterword by a literary scholar Venko Andonovski and photocopies of several poems written by the young V. The first novel is written in a pseudo-archaic language is set in the 19th century, in a time when the Slavic script is introduced, in the court of the Byzantine logothete. It is a philosophical crime novel not unlike Eco’s novels. The second part, the diaries, a love story taking place in Yugoslavia in the second half of the 20th century reflects the events of the first part.