Terézia Mora

Terézia Mora was born in 1971 in Sopron, Hungary. Since 1990, she has been living in Berlin. She is one of the most renowned translators from Hungarian. She made her literary debut in 1999 with a book of stories Seltsame Materie [Strage Matter] and immediately shocked the public. For the book, she received the Open Mike prize for literature, the Ingeborg Bachmann prize (1999) and the Adalbert von Chamisso advancement award (2000). In 2004, her first novel Alle Tage (title of the English translation: Day in Day out, 2007) was published, for which she received the Mara Cassens prize for the debut novel of the year, the art prize of Berlin, the LiteraTour Nord prize and the prize of the Leipzig Book Fair. In 2009, she published the novel Der einzige Mann auf dem Kontinent [The Only Man on the Continent] and in autumn 2013 Das Ungeheuer [Monster]. Her last novel won the German Book Prize.