Teodora Karamelska

Teodora Karamelska, born in 1975 in Russe (Bulgaria), studied cultural sciences and history in Sofia. She had research stays at the LMU in Munich, at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, at the Institute for European History in Mainz as well as at the Centre for Advance Studies in Sofia. Since 2010, Teodora Karamelska has been professor of sociology at the New Bulgarian University. She is member of the board of editors of the journal Социологически проблеми [Sociological Problems]. Her scientific work focuses on the history of German sociology, sociology of religion, and the biographical studies. She has translated from German to Bulgarian works of authors, such as Sigmund Freud, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Ernst Troeltsch, Georg Simmel, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Axel Honneth.