Michael Krüger

Michael Krüger was born in 1943 in Wittgendorf, Saxony. After graduation from a secondary school in Berlin, he took up vocational education to become book seller and book printer, but he also visited lectures at the Faculty of Arts at the Berlin Free University. From 1962 to 1965, he lived in London and worked as a book seller. After he had returned to Germany, he first worked as a literary critic. In 1968, he joined the Carl Hanser Verlag in Munich as an editor. From 1986 to 2013, he was the editor in chief of the Carl Hanser publishing house. He was the long-time editor of the literary magazine AKZENTE and is author of numerous poetry books, volumes of short stories, novels, collections, and translations. Since 2013, he has been President of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts. He received many awards for his works and is a member of several academies.