Ivan Šopov

Ivan Šopov studied General and Comparative Literature in Skopje. His publications include the shorty story collections Азбука и залутани записи (2010), winner of the „Novite Prize!“, 091 – антиразгледници од Скопје (2017), Скопје: изгубените чевли на градот (2020), the poetry collection Меше на годината (2012), as well as the collection of satirical articles Хрониките на Арслан Новинарски (2018). His works have been translated into: English, Serbian, Croatian, Albanian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Czech, Greek, Romanian and German.
In addition, Šopov works as a literary translator from English, BCMS and Bulgarian, having translated books by Ambrose Bierce, Madeleine Thien, Roman Kissiov, Mikhail Veshim, Miroslav Krleža, Bojan Babić, Asja Bakić, Dragoslav Mihailović, Irena Vrkljan, Zvonko Karanović, Martha Nussbaum and others into Macedonian. Between 2012 and 2018, he worked as an editor for the publisher Templum and the website okno.mk.