Herta Spuhn

Herta Spuhn, born in 1933 in Czernowitz (then Romania, since 1944 Ukraine) and emigrated to Romania in 1946, studied Romanian Language and Literature at the University of Bucharest. She was then for many years the editor and editorial reader of the German-speaking division of the Albatros publishing company. She lives in Bucharest and is a member of the translator division of the Romanian Writers’ Association. She oversees and edits bilingual Romanian-German poetry collections of important Romanian authors and her translations have included works by Gustav René Hocke (Manierismus in der Literatur)(title of the English translation: Mannerism in Literature), Sigmund Freud (Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens (title of the English translation: The Psychopathology of Everyday Life), this in co-operation) as well as novels by Bernhard Schlink (Liebesfluchten (title of the English translation: Flights of Love); Selbs Mord (title of the English translation: Self’s Murder; Die Heimkehr (title of the English translation: Homecoming) and Martin Suter (Ein perfekter Freund (title of the English translation: A Perfect Friend); Small World).