George State

George State was born in 1979 in Botosani (Romania). He studied Philosophy in Klausenburg. He now works as a reader. He has translated from German: Zur Kritik der Gewalt [The Critque of Violence] byWalter Benjamin, Requiem [Requiem] by R.M. Rilke (with Eliza Simon), Mohn und Gedächtnis [Poppy and Memory] by Paul Celan (with Mihail Nemeş), Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin [The Total Art of Stalinism] by Boris Groys (with Eugenia Bojoga), Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels [The Origin of German Tragic Drama] by Walter Benjamin (with Maria-Magdalena Anghelescu and Lorin Ghiman); from English Theology after the Copernican Turn / Theologie nach der Kopernikanischen Wende by Jacob Taubes (with Andrei State) and Meaning in History / Weltgeschichte und Heilsgeschehen by Karl Löwith (with Alex Moldovan).