Elena Messner

Elena Messner, born in 1983 in Klagenfurt, studied Comparative Literature and Cultural Sciences in Vienna and in Wien und Aix en Provence and now works at the University of Vienna on her dissertation project for the acceptance of post-Yugoslavian war prose in the German-language area. She was an editorial member of staff at the scientific Internet project, Kakanien Revisited. Elena Messner is Assistant Lecturer in Vienna, Innsbruck and Berlin and co-coordinator of Serbia’s presence as the country under focus at the 2011 Leipzig Book Fair. She is co-founder of the platform textfeld südost, reviewer of Austrian new publications and translator from Slovenian and Croatian as well as Serbian (she has translated, for example, books by Boris Pahor, Alma Lazarevska and Srđan Tešin and worked with others on an anthology project of Serbian and Bosnian female comic authors). In 2010 she published with Antonia Rahofer the volume “Between there and here. Eight approaches to contemporary Bosnian prose” (Innsbruck, Studia) and in 2012 with Eva Schörkhuber the volume about literary Viennese walks of sounds “With all waters. Danube canalisations” (Vienna, Sonderzahl).