Marko Juvan

Marko Juvan, born in 1960 in Ljubljana, is a Slovene comparatist, literary theoretic, and literary historian. He works as a research advisor at the Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts and is a professor at the Slovene Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Ljubljana. He has worked as a visiting professor at the University of Brno and the University of Zagreb and has given guest lectures at the University of Munich, Hamburg, Budapest, and Prague. Between 2002 and 2006 Marko Juvan was the head of the Slovene Association for Comparative Studies. Since 2008 he is a committee member of ICLA (International Comparative Literature Association). Among his works are various scientific papers, compiled publications, translations, as wells as books, such as Intertekstualnost (2000) [Intertextuality] and Literarna veda v rekonstrukciji [Literary Studies Reconstructed] (2006).