Kronika pozabljanja

Sebastijan Pregelj

Publisher: Goga


The body is old and helpless, but the heart still feels, the mind is still quick: Do something good for people, be kind, dare to love and let others love you. Even in your dreams, even in your delusions, even in the moment when your eyelids close. Sebastijan Pregl’s novel deals with the last things in our life with a lightness that inspires and shakes you awake. Do what you have to do, do it now, otherwise you will end up in the chronicles of oblivion.

Translations supported by Traduki

  • Kronika zaborava

    Year:  2023
    Publisher:  Edicije Božičević
    Translator:  Mirta Jurilj
    Country:  Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Language:  Bosnian